“All the green of nature is concentrated within the Emerald.” -St. Hildegard of Bingen
For the month of May, we have a gemstone that represents the lush green of spring, with hope for renewal and growth in the future. For at least 6000 years, Emeralds have long symbolized contentment, loyalty, friendship, and domestic bliss. As far back as 4000 BC, Emeralds have been revered by the Egyptians and considered a symbol of eternal life. These gems were also worshipped by the Incas. Emperor Atahualpa was said to have been in possession of the largest Emerald until it was taken by Conquistador Francisco Pizzaro.
Emeralds are one of the four “precious” gemstones (including Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond) and are the green variety of Beryl. Their colors range in hue from yellow-green to blue-green, and the most highly prized hue is pure green and medium to dark in tone. The name Emerald is derived from Sanskrit as Marakata, meaning “the green of growing things”. In Greek, the word is “Smaragdus” which means “green stone”.
The Emeralds mined in Colombia are by far the finest in the world, with mines producing quality stones for over 500 years. Emeralds are also mined in Minas Gerais, Brazil, Zambia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Emeralds rate a 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, so they are more susceptible to scratching than sapphires or diamonds. Most Emeralds have a number of inclusions within the stone along with surface-breaking fissures, and these are routinely treated to improve their color and clarity. Because of this, one needs to use special care in cleaning and only use a soft brush with warm, soapy water.
Whether worn as earrings, in a ring, or a necklace, Emeralds make a lovely, vibrant gift and a symbol of compassion and unconditional love.
How do we celebrate our moms during the pandemic? Even if we cannot see our mom in person, a thoughtful gift to say thanks for all that she has done for us over the years is one way to show our love. I have a lovely selection of vintage and estate lockets for all of the mothers out there! I will be posting these on Facebook and Instagram, as well as my website through May 6th, so please let me know if you are interested. I am teaming up with B-E-A-T-A Design Studio to include a beautiful handmade mask for moms with every Mother’s Day purchase. Please check out some examples of the masks on Instagram @beatadesignstudio. If you order a gift by May 6th, I can ensure that it is shipped in time for Mother’s Day.
While our class of 2020 won’t likely be experiencing a graduation ceremony like we remember it, there is–more than ever–a reason to celebrate this milestone in our student’s life. For parents who are having a sigh of relief at figuring out which school their son or daughter will be attending, (mine is Scripps!) I designed college pennant pendants and college bracelets to commemorate the occasion. The pennant pendants are available in sterling silver, 10K or 14K yellow gold with complimentary engraving up to 16 characters on the back. This is a great way to celebrate our student’s next phase in life. The stainless steel ID bracelets by Chisel are available for personalization with your college of choice on the front and complimentary engraving up to 16 characters on the back. These are available online at my website for special order–please allow 2 weeks for delivery.
Following guidelines from Governor Inslee, I hope to reopen my shop in the next month in whatever capacity is safest for my clients and myself. I’ve spent time imagining how this reopen would go smoothly, and created a set of guidelines as to what I would envision moving forward. Feel free to click here for more information.
Beginning May 1st, I will be donating 5% of my profits to Artist Trust Foundation. As an artist during the pandemic, I have been amazed at the primal urge we all have to create. Whether it is a music video of our family dancing in sweats, fabulous graffiti on boarded-up restaurants and bars, or the hilarious art challenges that we see posted on Instagram, we are a world that truly needs to create to survive. There is no better time than this to highlight how much we appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. Artists in Washington and around the world are pouring their hearts and souls out to continue to make their art during these difficult times. The Artist Trust Foundation helps Washington artists to continue to do what they do best. Creating works of art for everyone to enjoy.
Over the past month of working from home, I have been focusing on getting my website ready for e-commerce, so people can still see the beautiful jewelry that is available for purchase even though it is nestled in my safe! Needless to say, it is a huge endeavor, and I haven’t figured everything out (I am an ex-Luddite). So, you are more than welcome to click on things on my website by visiting my shop page, and hopefully there will be some information for you on the various items coming soon. If you have questions regarding a piece, feel free to contact me in the meantime. It is a work in progress!